Tanulmány (study): itt
Szerző (author)
Chiara Maria Carpentieri
Cím (title)
The hungarica of the Ambrosiana Library of Milan Documents related to Mátyás Hunyadi and his family
Hivatkozás (references)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53644/EH.2024.2.5
Absztrakt (abstract)
The article investigates the cultural and historical relations established between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Italian states during the reign of Matthias Corvinus. The first part of the article briefly reconstructs the most important artistic, scientific, and intellectual exchanges between Italy and Hungary during that period. The second part analyzes 13 documents preserved in the Ambrosiana Library in Milan which may serve as additional sources on Matthias’ era. The documents are divided into three cate- gories: texts specifically dedicated to Matthias; letters or instructions concerning his reign, particularly his relations with the Republic of Venice and his wars against the Turks and the Bohemian Hussites; and historiographical texts centered on Matthias and his family. The list of documents is accompanied by transcriptions of their incipits and explicits, brief summaries, and relevant bibliography.
Kulcsszavak (keywords)
Italian-Hungarianrelations;MedievalandEarlyModernHungarian history; Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Mátyás Hunyadi