Tanulmány (study): itt
Szerző (author)
Stanisław A. Sroka
Cím (title)
Brigandage on the Polish-Hungarian borderland in the era of Matthias Corvinus
Hivatkozás (references)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53644/EH.2024.2.63
Absztrakt (abstract)
The author discusses robberies on the Polish-Hungarian border during the times of King Matthias Corvinus. The source basis are documents stored in the archive in Bardejov, which were published by the Author in a separate collection. A large part of these documents are complaints written by merchants who suffered some damages while trading on the Polish-Hungarian border. The author proves that not only men but also women were involved in robbery, citing the example of Katarzyna Skrzyńska. The robber culture is also illustrated by the document of robbers from 1493, discussed by the author, preserved in the archive in Bardejov.
Kulcsszavak (keywords)
Robberies, Mathias Corvinus, Polish-Hungarian border, the robbers’ letter