The origins of the Rhédey family [1] are not sufficiently clear, but they claim to be descended from the Aba clan. This tradition is not fully proven.

Sándor Lénárd (9 March 1910 - 13 April 1972) was one of the most extraordinary personalities of 20th- century Hungarian cultural history, who is important to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death, also in order to raise awareness of his oeuvre. (...) but especially because it helps to answer a question that is especially important for Hungarians living in the Hungarian diaspora, separated from their homeland: is it possible to create a oeuvre that enriches the nation and the Hungarian values, detached from the linguistic and social community of Hungary, far away in a foreign land? 

On February 10, 1947 - seventy-five years ago, Foreign Minister János Gyöngyösi signed the peace treaty ending the Second World War in the Luxembourg Palace in Paris,which enforced the political, economic and material interests of the Soviet Union against the "guilty nation", and imposed even more severe conditions on Hungary, a country that had fallen into the Soviet sphere of interest, than the Trianon Peace Dictate. 

As every year, the anniversary of the breakout from Buda Castle 11 February 1945 has stirred up a lot of emotions. It is a fact that after the Second World War, we, Hungarians could only deal with our participation in the Second World War, the fighting activities of our armed forces and the events of the Hungarian theatre of war from a class-warrior perspective and in a condemnatory way.

The Kádár regime was born in blood. Crawlers of foreign tanks, a series of massacres and political assassinations created the basis of the power of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, but it was impossible to build legitimacy, i.e. social acceptance, on this foundation. Therefore, the regime consolidated: it used new techniques of power to quell the nation's resistance, to break its back, to nip the voices of discontent in the bud. This was the fermenting and all-absorbing world of "goulash communism", from under which the last ideological support fell on 28 January 1989. 

We celebrate the Day of Hungarian Culture on 22 January when Ferenc Kölcsey completed his most influential poem. The Day of Hungarian Culture is celebrated on 22 January to commemorate the day in 1823 when Ferenc Kölcsey completed his most influential poem, a poem that became the national hymn. We commemorate the birth of the Hymn with an earlier article by Andrea Raffay of the Centre for Historical Research.

In the first days of February 1945, the dreaded terror organisation of the communist era [...] the predecessor of the later ÁVH - the Political Police Department of the Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK PRO), under the direction of Gábor Péter was established. The unit, which functioned virtually as a private army of the Communist Party, was organised within the police, but its leader never recognised any superior other than Mátyás Rákosi or directly the Soviet secret service officers.

The man of outstanding talents originally was not a candidate for the royal title. In the volatile environment of the Kingdom of Hungary, even members of the royal family who were not directly contenders to the throne had to be prepared for any eventuality. To better understand the conditions in the Carpathian Basin immediately before the accession of Béla III, here is a short quote from the great traveller Abu Hamid al-Gharnati, who called the Hungarians Bashkirs and wrote many interesting things about them:

After the wreath-laying ceremony, Gábor Horváth-Lugossy, our Director General spoke to Gábor Vásárhelyi (Béla Bartók's successor), who said that one of the most important things to clarify about Béla Bartók's life and his intellectual legacy as a composer, pianist, folk music researcher, folk music collector and music academy teacher, among others, is that posterity should know that Béla Bartók never emigrated from Hungary and never renounced his homeland.