Ephemeris Hungarologica
Issues No. 1 and No. 2 of the first volume of the scientific journal of the Institute of Hungarian Research, Ephemeris Hungarologica, have been published. The Hungarian-language issue No. 1 and the English-language issue No. 2 contain articles with DOI numbers, which can be accessed and read below. The deadline for submission of papers and contributions to the Hungarian-language issue No. 3 is 28 February 2022, and the deadline for papers and contributions to the English-language issue No. 4 is 31 May 2022.
Ephemeris Hungarologica 2021/1.
Ephemeris Hungarologica 2021/2.

In 2021, the Institute of Hungarian Research launched a scientific journal entitled Ephemeris Hungarologica. The journal also publishes studies, publications, reviews, shorter communications and discussion articles from all disciplines covered by the research profile of the Institute for Hungarian Research.
We welcome contributions from both affiliated and independent researchers from Hungary and abroad. Completed papers are expected to be submitted with an abstract, and if the study corresponds to the profile of the scientific journal, it will be sent for review. Submitted papers will be published on the basis of a double-anonymous peer review. The publication of papers is free of charge for the authors. Manuscripts should be sent to our email address, in accordance with the eligibility requirements below.
Eligibility requirements for the scientific journal Ephemeris Hungarologica (PDF)
ISSN 2786-3514 (online) ISSN 2786-3522 (print)
Bence Fehér (MKI)
Editorial Board
Amedeo di Francesco (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale), Oleksii Komar (НАН України Інститут археології), Sándor M. Kiss (PPKE, professor emeritus), Peter L. Nagy (Praxis Genomics LLC, Atlanta), William O’Reilly (Cambridge University), János Pusztay (NyME, professor emeritus), Zoltán Szentirmay (National Institute of Oncology), László Szörényi (SZTE, professor emeritus), Vilmos Tánczos (Babeş-Bolyai University), Andrej Tóth (Univerzita Karlova v Praze), Endre Tóth (PPKE), Tibor Török (SZTE), Karl Vocelka (Universität Wien, professor emeritus)
Editorial Office
The journal is published by the Institute of Hungarian Research. It is published twice a year.
Postal address: 1014 Budapest, Úri utca 54–56.
Responsible publisher: Gábor Horváth-Lugossy
Technical editing: Gábor Tóth, Mihály Tóth
Copyright and open access
The journal is open access and freely available on the web. Articles published in Ephemeris Hungarologica are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) license (see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.hu). The articles remain the intellectual property of their authors, but others are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text. Such use is permitted only if the source and authorship of the content is clearly and accurately indicated.
Peer review
The so-called double-blind peer-review method is used, i.e. the author is unknown to the reviewer and the reviewer is unknown to the author.
The editorial team assesses whether the manuscript matches the subject area covered by the journal and whether it meets the journal's formal requirements and scientific standards. If so, the manuscript will be reviewed.
The reviewers may not evaluate a manuscript if they have a conflict of interest with the author of the manuscript. The peer reviewers will carry out their evaluation objectively. The reviewers shall clearly state their opinion and support it with arguments. In their opinion, the reviewers shall draw attention to any substantial similarities or overlaps between the manuscript under review and any other previously published material of which they are aware. The reviewer's assessment includes whether the manuscript is recommended for publication with or without modifications, or if it is not recommended for publication. The journal will treat the information obtained during the evaluation as confidential. The staff of the journal will not use a submitted unpublished manuscript for their own research without the written consent of the author.