
„Lelkesítő hang, virágos kifejezésekben gazdag előadás illenék ide e napon, de mi csak mintegy a boncoló asztalra visszük az eseményeket (…)” 

1991. június 19-én az utolsó szovjet katona, Viktor Silov altábornagy, a Déli Hadseregcsoport parancsnoka is elhagyta hazánkat.

Elhagyták az országot, véget ért a gyalázat

Dr Miklós Kállay of Nagykálló, Hungarian politician, Minister of Agriculture (1932-1935), Prime Minister of Hungary from 1942-1944, who also held the position of Foreign Minister until 1943 was born on 23 January 1887.

"Time is short; I will not waste this time with a long oratory; I simply say that I firmly believe that there is one political nation in Hungary: the united, indivisible Hungarian nation, of which all citizens, whatever their nationality, are equal members."

Every day of the year, our hearts beat together with our Szekler brothers and sisters, we share our thoughts and our souls - but today we also give voice to this, because today is the Day of Hungarian-Sekler Unity.

The origins of the Rhédey family [1] are not sufficiently clear, but they claim to be descended from the Aba clan. This tradition is not fully proven.

Sándor Lénárd (9 March 1910 - 13 April 1972) was one of the most extraordinary personalities of 20th- century Hungarian cultural history, who is important to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death, also in order to raise awareness of his oeuvre. (...) but especially because it helps to answer a question that is especially important for Hungarians living in the Hungarian diaspora, separated from their homeland: is it possible to create a oeuvre that enriches the nation and the Hungarian values, detached from the linguistic and social community of Hungary, far away in a foreign land? 

On February 10, 1947 - seventy-five years ago, Foreign Minister János Gyöngyösi signed the peace treaty ending the Second World War in the Luxembourg Palace in Paris,which enforced the political, economic and material interests of the Soviet Union against the "guilty nation", and imposed even more severe conditions on Hungary, a country that had fallen into the Soviet sphere of interest, than the Trianon Peace Dictate.