Mission of the Research Centre

The mission of the Research Centre for History is to explore the changes of the Hungarian national identity over historical eras by focusing on aspects of national memory, such as Hungarian identity, national awareness, Hungarus identity, identity, identity crisis, identity destruction, identity loss, identity training and identity creation.

Tasks of the Research Centre

The main task of the Research Centre for History is to explore the centuries-old relations system of Hungarians with other European nations, to examine the historical process of the integration of Hungarians into Europe and to answer the questions of “Integration or assimilation?” and “Who are the Hungarians?” by providing a historical perspective.

Objectives of the Research Centre

The objective of the Research Centre for History is the exploration of the overarching institutional, research and source methodology, archiving and presentation trends of national identity and politics of memory in the Carpathian Basin, as well as the widest possible publication and dissemination of the research results. As in recent years politics of memory has become an increasingly important public policy issue determining European and Hungarian identity, the research and critical analysis of its former and recent trends deserves closer scrutiny.

A further objective of the Research Centre for History is to examine and present the way how the identity of Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin evolved, changed and modified over the centuries, the factors contributing to the destruction of their identity and the efforts whereby they were able to find and rebuild their national identity.


Dr. Teiszler Éva

Senior Research Associate

teiszler.eva@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Illik Péter Ferenc

Research Fellow

illik.peter.ferenc@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Katkó Gáspár

Research Fellow

katko.gaspar@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Sashalmi-Fekete Tamás

Administrator Expert

sashalmi-fekete.tamas@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Köő Artúr

Research Fellow

koo.artur@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Fabó Edit Ilona

Research Fellow

fabo.edit@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Raffay Andrea

Administrator Expert

raffay.andrea@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Szuromi Rita

Assistant Research Fellow

szuromi.rita@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Kápolnás Olivér

Research Fellow

kapolnas.oliver@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Sárközy Miklós

Research Fellow

sarkozy.miklos@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Zay Orsolya

Assistant Research Fellow

zay.orsolya@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Kertész Balázs

Research Fellow

kertesz.balazs@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Dallos Edina

Research Fellow

dallos.edina@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae

Dr. Balogh Mátyás

Research Fellow

balogh.matyas@mki.gov.hu curriculum vitae