Mission of the Research Centre
The mission of the Research Centre for Language Planning to enhance the value of and strengthen the role of the Hungarian language in the education of national identity, our lives, culture and identity.
Tasks of the Research Centre
The main task of the Research Centre for Language Planning is, on the one hand, to continue research and planning based on linguistic approaches studying the societal context of the language and on language policy and, on the hand, to explore and elaborate materials on language planning and to develop the Hungarian language strategy following the survey of the fields of use of the Hungarian language. A further task of the Research Centre is to provide and support language services, to apply the results gained and to implement strategic tasks and activities.
Objectives of the Research Centre
The objective of the Research Centre for Language Planning is to improve and form the present situation, prestige, quality of use and clarity of the Hungarian language on the basis of scientific evidence and to continue research on the use of language that benefit the society and promote policy actions targeted at enhancing patriotism and identity.