On the initiative of the Franciscan monk, Csaba Böjte, a workshop conference entitled "The possibilities of renovation, utilization and profitable operation of the Bethlen Castle in Mures County" was organised by the László Teleki Foundation and the Saint László Foundation, in Keresd, Mures County on 22 September, with the participation of the Institute of Hungarian Research.

After the wreath-laying ceremony, Gábor Horváth-Lugossy, our Director General spoke to Gábor Vásárhelyi (Béla Bartók's successor), who said that one of the most important things to clarify about Béla Bartók's life and his intellectual legacy as a composer, pianist, folk music researcher, folk music collector and music academy teacher, among others, is that posterity should know that Béla Bartók never emigrated from Hungary and never renounced his homeland.

"The theory that a single Hungarian-speaking block moved in the Carpathian Basin in 895 and absorbed a single, non-Hungarian-speaking indigenous population has been disproved. Based on written sources related to the ancient Hungarian script, the so-called Runic script, it can be stated that there were people in the Avar Empire who spoke Hungarian, and since their language has survived, they could not have been few in number, told Dr Bence Fehér, head of the Centre for Classical Philology at the Institute of Hungarian Research to weekly magazine, Demokrata."

The Institute for Hungarian Studies attended the International Ethnosport Forum. The keynote speakers of the forum held in Tashkent were the following: Necmeddin Bilal Erdogan (Turkey), President of World Ethnosport Confederation; Bekbolat Tleukhan (Kazakhstan), President of the Kokpar World Association; Bahodir Makhsitov (Uzbekistan), President of Sports Veterans of Uzbekistan; Nabijon Yuraev (Uzbekistan), President of the Ulaq-Cupkar Federation of Uzbekistan, Vice President of the Kokpar World World Association.

In the framework of the scientific cooperation between the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Hungarian Studies, we had the opportunity to visit the Anthropological Repository of the Academy and take archaeogenetic samples. The samples were taken from skeletons from Hun cemeteries in Asia, which are important for Hungarian prehistory, with the aim of comparing the genetic samples of the Huns with the archaeogenetic samples of the conquering Hungarians.

„Béla Bartók’s life, work and humanity were brilliant in themselves, so it is not necessary to add any false statements to make his brilliance shine brighter, because to do so would only make it fainter. […] The life of every person is mostly characterized by their actions, the work done, the thoughts described, the good, or indeed the bad, contributed.”

Article on the significance of the identification of the Hunyadi family published in weekly Demokrata. Having isolated the DNA samples in the laboratory of the Institute for Hungarian Studies, the DNA of the Corvinus family can be identified after that of the Árpád Dynasty.

A book review was published in Magyar Nemzet, daily newspaper on our volume, Painting in Western Captivity – The Diary of Sándor Kiss, edited by Artúr Köő, researcher of MKI. „An art teacher from the town of Gyula fled to the West from the Soviets together with the Hungarian army, he travelled through half Austria and then was captured by the Americans.”