The origins of the Rhédey family [1] are not sufficiently clear, but they claim to be descended from the Aba clan. This tradition is not fully proven.

"... Eurasian civilisations adopted these techniques from the steppe peoples, the Scythians and the Huns" - An ancient and unique Hun sacrificial cauldron has been excavated by Hungarian and Mongolian archaeologists.

The inauguration of the statue of King Attila the Hun took place in the National Historical Park of Ópusztaszer. At the symbolic site of the meeting of Árpád and his nobles, one day before the celebration of the founding of the state, (...)

Gabriella Jeki's interview with Endre Neparáczki, Director of the Research Centre for Archaeogenetics of our Institute, about the identification of the remains of Hungarian rulers was published on the news site.

Ambassador Borbála Obrusánszky was awarded the county award for the development of cooperation between Hungary and Mongolia on the 80th anniversary of the founding of the county of Sükhbaatar.

The Eurasian Alliance Foundation is organising a three-day traditional festival entitled Centuries of the Hungarian State in Kunszentmiklós between 29 and 31 July. The festival will commemorate significant events in Hungarian history with horse and foot cavalry jousting demonstrations, exciting performances, cultural events and craftsmen.

By his genome composition, King Saint László was even more closely linked to the conquering Hungarians and carried fewer European genes than the kings of later centuries. Tamás Pataki's interview with Endre Neparáczki, Director of the Research Centre for Archaeogenetics at the Institute of Hungarian Research, was published in the weekly Magyar Demokrata.

- Did you know that the original man was Romanian?

- I may have heard that joke before...