The establishment of the system of castle-counties (comitati), which is also documented in written sources, can be linked to Saint István, who organised the administration of the Kingdom of Hungary on the basis of territorial units. The centre of each county was a castle, whose estates constituted the territory of the castle-county. The castle-counties covered the entire territory of Hungary, thus public administration was guaranteed everywhere.

The Institute of Hungarian Research, one of the flagships of the strengthening of national identity, has achieved a paradigm shift in research on prehistory.

"We shall see Batu Khan, the merciless lord of the steppe, arrive with his army under the walls of Esztergom, and the handful of defenders - led by Canon Özséb and the Spanish mercenary captain Simon - prepare for the final battle."

The issue of Fiume or Rijeka in Croatian, and the Hungarian coastline is a long-standing debate between Hungarian and Croatian politicians and historians. It is worth reviewing the history of the town and its surrounding areas from a public law perspective, excluding the flood of interpretations, opinions, intentions and desires.

"This is the debt we owe to János Hunyadi and to all the Hungarian heroes who died for the homeland, as well as to those who are still serving the homeland as soldiers today", Csaba László Hidán, our archaeologist-historian researcher, told daily Magyar Nemzet, when asked about how it felt to raise János Hunyadi's battle flag at the site of the Battle of Kosovo.

Gábor Tóth, a journalist of, asked Zsuzsanna Borvendég, a research fellow at the Research Centre for History, about the food supply disaster resulting from the failed land policy of the Communist Party.

The analysis of the bones of the eight royal dynasties in the Székesfehérvár ossuary is expected to be completed by the end of next year, Gábor Horváth-Lugossy told daily newspaper, Magyar Nemzet. 

Sándor Lénárd (9 March 1910 - 13 April 1972) was one of the most extraordinary personalities of 20th- century Hungarian cultural history, who is important to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death, also in order to raise awareness of his oeuvre. (...) but especially because it helps to answer a question that is especially important for Hungarians living in the Hungarian diaspora, separated from their homeland: is it possible to create a oeuvre that enriches the nation and the Hungarian values, detached from the linguistic and social community of Hungary, far away in a foreign land? 

From Aragon to Thuringia, from Naples to Thessaloniki, from Byzantium to Poland, from Sicily to the Kievan Rus  “We have much to be proud of. The map showing the princesses who were married abroad from Hungary and were married here from abroad shows a country and a dynasty with lively diplomatic relations with the whole of Europe. The religious life, state organisation, diplomacy and culture of this royal house and its country are still alive today.

"Those who changed the political regime considered the dismantling of the party-state institutions as their main task. Perhaps they didn't even notice that Western capitalist forces had been controlling the process since the 1980s." Ferenc Sinkovics' interview with Zsuzsanna Borvendég, research fellow at the Research Centre for History of the Institute of Hungarian Research, on the functioning of communist networks in Hungary was published in the weekly Magyar Demokrata.