Sándor Szakály, university teacher and Director-General of VERITAS Research Institute and Archives spoke about the independent Hungarian military force raised between 1919 and 1922.

Attila Horváth, judge in the Constitutional Tribunal, university teacher talked about the restoration of legal continuity and the legislative provisions adopted in the early 1920’s for the purpose of achieving economic and political consolidation.

After the overture of Gergely Agócs, folk musician, in his opening speech Gábor Horváth-Lugossy, Director-General of the Institute for Hungarian Studies emphasized that Hungary’s recovery after Trianon had been a unique achievement. Attila Barna, chairman of the conference said that this event is set to familiarise us with the new beginning, the everyday struggles, the healing of the nation’s spirit and the first steps of recovery in the post-Trianon Hungary.

Artúr Köő, research assistant of the Research Centre for History of the Institute for Hungarian Studies held a presentation on the consequences of the loss of territory and life.

Dr habil. Péter Miklós, Ph.D., associate professor of the University of Szeged, Head of the Emlékpont Institution in Hódmezővásárhely delivered a presentation on the relationship between Trianon and the Catholic Church.

Dr habil. Imre Tóth, Ph.D., director of the Museum of Sopron, associate professor of the University of Pécs held a presentation on Sopron, the most loyal town as the example of collective resistance.

Dr Lajos Olasz, Ph.D. spoke about Miklós Horthy and the lessons to be learnt from the triangle of Szeged–Siófok–Budapest.

Dr habil. Gábor Ujváry, CSc, college professor, leader of the VERITAS Research Institute for History and Archives held a presentation on the cultural consequences of Trianon.

Apponyi and Benárd in Versailles Dr László Tamás Vizi, Ph.D., Scientific Deputy Director General of the Institute for Hungarian Studies spoke about the delegation led by Apponyi and Benárd in Versailles.



Dr Szabolcs Nagy, university professor, deputy director of the Veszprém County Archives held a presentation on Károly Kratochvil and the Szekler Division.