"1956 - It is not that we Hungarians did anything wrong. WE WERE BETRAYED" (János Horváth)

On 26 October, from 9am, the scientific conference of the Institute of Hungarian Research, titled “1956 - It is not that we Hungarians did anything wrong. WE WERE BETRAYED" (János Horváth) will also be available online. The Institute of Hungarian Research will commemorate the events of 1956 in an unusual way, within the framework of a scientific conference, while at the same time the Institute will pay tribute to the memory of the legendary doyen of the National Assembly, János Horváth.

János Horváth would be 100 years old in a few days. He lived through and endured the Arrow Cross and Communist dictatorships, experienced the hardships of emigration after 1956, and finally became actively involved as a highly respected and influential figure in Hungarian domestic politics after the regime change.

The conference, organized by the Institute of Hungarian Research, will present the momentous events of the past 100 years through János Horváth's life, highlighting his role in the national resistance before and after 1945, his political activity in the Small Holders’ Party, his persecution, his role in the '56 revolution, his efforts to reorganize the emigration and his involvement in public life in the restored democracy.

The conference will be available on the website, Facebook page and YouTube channel of the Institute of Hungarian Research.