As it has been recently reported, Csaba Hidán and István Nagy-Luttenberger, our senior researchers representing the Institute for Hungarian Research, took part in a special two-day mission to Georgia in early December, which proved to be so successful that 10 days later the parties met again in Hungary to start their joint work. Yesterday, George Sharvashidze, Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Vakhtang Lichelit, archaeology professor were received by Gábor Horváth-Lugossy, Director General, who introduced our institute. The parties discussed the joint archaeogenetic, archaeological, linguistic, historical and ethnographic research projects.

George Sharvasidze assured the Institute for Hungarian Studies already in Tbilisi of their intention to cooperate and support, and he has personally confirmed during his visit in Budapest that as an orientalist and archaeologist he is committed to promoting the research on Georgian and Hungarian prehistory and the Christian past and values of the two countries.

In the spirit of the above, the Georgian State University is delighted to cooperate with the Institute for Hungarian Studies, and a scientific agreement was signed. After the visit and the signing of the agreement, Miklós Makoldi, director of the Research Centre for Archaeology presented the monumental excavation of the Benedictine abbey located in the royal centre of the third king of the Kingdom of Hungary, Samuel of Aba in Abasár.

George Sharvashidze and Vakhtang Licheli expressed their appreciation for the archaeological excavation of the thousand-year-old Hungarian Christian national monument.